
The Handoff configuration file allows you to customize the essentials of how your project looks and works

To edit the basic settings, run handoff-app eject:config. This will create a handoff.config.json file in the current working root. Here you can configure basic settings like title, metadata, and sort configurations.

Common Configuration Options

title: The project title, often something like "Acme Design System".

client: The organization's name, used for alt text, and labels.

logo: A path to a logo as svg, png, or jpg. The path should be relative to the public root. If you put a file called logo.svg in the public root, you would set this value to /logo.svg.

favicon: A path to a favicon as an ico file. The path should be relative to the public root. If you put a file called favicon.ico in the public root, you would set this value to /favicon.ico.

google_tag_manager: Accepts a GTM ID, or null. If a GTM ID is found, Handoff will inject the GTM code, allowing you to add tracking to your site.

type_sort: Set the sort order for the Typography page. The page will match elements and sort, and then let the remaining items sort by their Figma order.

color_sort: Set the sort order for the Colors page. The page will match elements and sort, and then let the remaining items sort by their Figma order.

poweredBy: Sets a footer message linking to Set to false or undefined to hide this message

type_copy: Set the default copy for the typography samples.

Other Options

  • design: A holder for color and typography objects. This will be used for future expansion.

  • assets: A holder for svg exported assets. Not used for configuration at present.

  • image_styles_help: Backwards compatible with a previous feature that allowed image styles to be defined.