Bitbucket Pipelines

Use Bitbucket Pipelines as your CI/CD to fetch from Figma, transform the tokens, build the static site, and ship to AWS S3.

Bitbucket Pipelines

This uses the node:16 image. It is designed to fire manually from the UI, or to be scheduled through the BB Pipelines scheduling interface. This pipeline will fetch the tokens, build the code, and upload it to an S3 bucket. It leverages the fact that Bitbucket provides the AWS CLI tooling natively. The second step could be removed and replaced with a command to ship the artifact to a host of your choice.

1image: node:16 2 3pipelines: 4 custom: 5 deploy: 6 - step: 7 name: Build the site 8 caches: 9 - node 10 script: npm install --legacy-peer-deps 11 npm run fetch 12 git commit -a -m "[skip ci] updating changelog with latest figma changes" 13 git push 14 npm run build 15 artifacts: 16 - dist/** 17 - step: 18 name: Deploy to production 19 image: amazon/aws-cli:2.4.14 20 deployment: production 21 services: 22 - docker 23 caches: 24 - docker 25 script: 26 - aws s3 sync --delete out/ s3://bucket-name/ 27 - aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id {distribution_id} --paths /\*
  1. Fetch from Figma and Build Static Site
  • Install the dependencies via npm
  • Fetches the data from Figma
  • Commits the changes back to the repository
  • Pushes the changes
  • Builds the static site
  • Exports the artifact to the out/ Folder
  1. Upload to S3 and Invalidate Cache
  • Uploads the artifact to an S3 bucket
  • Invalidates a CloudFront distribution