
Here's a set of recipes to get you up and running with your technology.

As our team, partners, and the open source community encounter new ways to use Handoff, we write documentation, and post it here so we don't have to reinvent the wheel. At present, there are two categories of guides we are working on -


How would you integrate Handoff tokens with your language, framework, or platform. We have integrated Handoff with the following technologies and have or are working on guides for the technology.

cssA simple guide for integrating button variables with a simple html button
scssA simple guide for integrating scss variables with a simple html button
Bootstrap 5A custom integration for bootstrap 5.3 that works with simple components
WordpressIntegrating tokens with a simple Wordpress theme
DrupalIntegrating tokens with a simple Drupal theme
WordpressIntegrating tokens with a simple wordpress theme

Hosting and Deployment

The documentation software is built on NextJS and generates all static assets. This enables you to host it on any static web host. You can build it with just about any CI/CD toolchain. We use CI/CD extensively for querying Figma for changes and keeping the documentation and tokens up to date in our projects.

Bitbucket PipelinesA guide for using pipelines to fetch tokens, build the documentation and deploy it to S3
Github ActionsA guide for using actions to fetch tokens, build the documentation and deploy it to S3
CloudfrontHow to configure Aws Cloudfront to host the documentation
Github PagesHow to configure Github Pages to host the documentation
CloudflareHow to configure Cloudflare to host the documentation