Release [0.1.0] - 2023-03-09

Release notes for [0.1.0] - 2023-03-09.

[0.3.0] - 2023-03-31

This release creates base foundation tokens in the /exported directory. This is a major step forward allowing projects to use color, typography and effects as named tokens in projects in addition to component tokens.


  • Adds foundation token css and scss files so projects can reference colors, typography and effects.
    • Tokens are exported to the /exported folder
    • Foundation token files follow the form - {type of foundation}.scss contains the css vars and {type of foundation}_vars.scss contains the scss variables
    • Color tokens are either hex for solid colors or rgba for alpha channel colors
    • Two color map arrays are provided $color-groups and $color-names
    • Color tokens are in the form $color-{group}-{name}: {hex/rgba};
    • Typography tokens support
      • font-family
      • font-size
      • font-weight
      • line-height
      • letter-spacing
      • paragraph-spacing
    • One Typography map is provided $type-sizes
    • Typography tokens are in the form $typography-{size}-{property}: {value}
    • Effects are are currently limited to drop and inner shadows
    • Effects include a map of effect names $effects
    • Effects are in the form $effect-{name}: {shadow definition}


  • Adds the proper sidebar menu icon for effects