Release [0.7.0] - 2023-07-14

This release introduces support for AWS Style Dictionaries

Style dictionary is a widely used token format that can be compiled down to a number of application formats using the AWS Style Dictionary CLI tool.

You will find the new style dictionary output in the exported artifact at ./exported/tokens/sd.


  • Added support for Style Dictionary export.
  • ValueProperty is now Token and it can now carry additional metadata (added isSupportedCssProperty metadata property).
  • All transformers now return data as the same TransformerOutput interface type. All other interfaces such as CssTransformerOutput and ScssTransformerOutput have been removed entirely.
  • Updated function and variable names to be more concise and provide more information about what they do.
  • Restructured the documentation app to use CSS variables in preparation for user theming. Following styles can be changed:
    • Global typography, header, side nav and anchor nav. Custom user theme examples coming in the next release.
  • General quality of life improvements.


  • Updated readme to correct quickstart guide for CLI
  • Fixes a bug where the integration is ejected but not read, even when the integration is set to custom.
  • Remove defunct default icons from top of assets page